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Our History

The Herdade da Comporta Foundation continues a historic welfare concern focused on improving the living conditions of populations residing in the geographical perimeter of Herdade da Comporta.

Improving the lives of the population and their participation in the region's economic activities is, and always has been, one of the main concerns of the Herdade da Comporta project. When the Atlantic Company (now Herdade da Comporta) was acquired in 1955, houses were built to house workers and their families, medical assistance was guaranteed, schools were built and teachers were hired and, in the cultural sphere, village festivals were organized.


Following this work, interrupted between 1975 and 1991, social partnerships were "reestablished" with the Municipal Councils of Alcácer do Sal and Grândola in the areas of Housing, Education and Culture.

The Herdade da Comporta Foundation was established in 2004, as an organized response to the needs of the local community, and in 2010 a Social Diagnosis was carried out in the seven villages located in the geographical area of Herdade da Comporta: Carrasqueira, Possanco/Cambado, Comporta, Torre, Brejos da Carregueira, Carvalhal and Lagoas . This diagnosis served as a basis for work, together with the Community and in partnership with local entities, to build, alongside the Herdade's tourist projects, a sustainable and inclusive future.

In September 2011, the Social Project began at the Herdade da Comporta Foundation and in September 2021 it was granted Public Utility Status (Order no. 8977/2021)

The Herdade da Comporta Foundation is committed to preserving and committed to the future.

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Our Mission


The Herdade da Comporta Foundation's mission is to improve the lives of populations residing in the geographical perimeter of Herdade da Comporta, promoting their involvement and integration in local development projects.




Cooperate and collaborate to make the most of resources and find solutions for sustainable and inclusive development



Complementary strategies with the local and regional development strategies of Herdade da Comporta and other operators in the territory



Maintain coherence with local realities and history



Development is only sustainable and inclusive if it is responsible

Our Vision


The Herdade da Comporta Foundation is a cooperation platform for sustainable and inclusive development.

Strategic objectives


Promote employability and combat social exclusion.


Guarantee affordable housing for local populations. Preserve the landscape, architectural and cultural characteristics of the village.


Promote a safe and healthy home environment.


Contribute to education, knowledge, culture and citizenship.


Raise awareness and cooperate to preserve the environment.

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