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Legal Information

The Herdade da Comporta Foundation, in accordance with current legislation, provides the following documents relating to the exercise of its activity:



Statutes of the Herdade da Comporta Foundation.

Publication in Diário da República

Recognition of the Herdade da Comporta Foundation as a Foundation.

Declaration of Public Utility Statute

The HdC Foundation was recognized by order dated 10-09-2021.

Writing of amendment to the Statutes

Signed deed of the current statutes and their amendment.

Constitution and Composition of the Bodies of the HdC Foundation

Deed of constitution and Composition of the Foundation's Bodies.

Founders of the Foundation and Initial Heritage.

Identification of the entities that established the Foundation and description of the Initial Assets.

Social entities

List of Heads of Corporate Bodies for the years 2023 to 2027.

code of Conduct

HdC Foundation Code of Conduct.

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