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Crianças a ver plantas da horta


Recolha de lixo na praia da Comporta


Casa da Cultura Comporta


Who we are

The Herdade da Comporta Foundation has at its origins the desire to contribute to improving the lives of local populations, promoting sustainable and inclusive development through 5 priority areas of intervention: Employment and Training; Housing and Heritage; Prevention of Risk Situations; Education and Culture; and Environment.

These themes are all linked to people and/or natural and cultural heritage. These are the themes at the genesis of the Herdade da Comporta Foundation.


This is the foundation of the Foundation.


Education and Culture

Janela do Logotipo da Fundação
Janela do Logotipo da Fundação
Janela do Logotipo da Fundação
Janela do Logotipo da Fundação

Housing and Patrimony

Janela do Logotipo da Fundação

Employment and Training

Prevention of Risk Situations

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Headquarters: Espaço Comporta, EN253 KM1 7580-610 Comporta

+351 265 497 514

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Logotipo da Fundação da Herdade da Comporta. O logo está branco com fundo transparente.

NIF: 510 141 390

IBAN: PT50 045 6022 4029 5518 4143 1

© 2024 Fundação Herdade da Comporta - Rights Reserved

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